02 December 2007

Let's go from "Tax and Spend" to "Tax and End"

Mike's opponents are hitting him hard on his supposed liberal taxing habits while he was Governor of Arkansas. Mike has done an excellent job fending off these attacks by pointing to his record of cutting taxes and achieving results for his home state, but I have a feeling this will be like a hydra, lop one head off and watch two take its place.

What is a catchphrase he can attach to what he is already saying so folks can better remember his rebuttal on this issue? How about a transition from the Tax and Spend mentality that has consumed both parties over the past several terms to a Tax and End mentality. Taxes are a necessary evil, but wasteful spending is not. Put an end to wasteful spending, put an end to the unintelligible tax code, and put an end to the IRS.

Can you do better? Post in the comments section below.

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