02 December 2007

Huckabeehive is the only Huckabee blog that ...

We live in the era of the elevator pitch: if you can't explain a concept in the time in takes to get from the tenth floor to the lobby then you have not sufficiently honed your message. I don't think any candidate understands this more than Mike Huckabee, who by virtue of his careers in both ministry and television/radio realizes that you must be able to reduce the very complex into the very concise if you expect your audience to remember what it is you said.

The Huckabeehive is a place where other Huckabee supporters (i.e., HuckaBees) can trade and refine ideas in hopes that Team Huckabee will read our musings and use them as food for thought in helping Mike as he prepares for speeches and debates. I envision a swarm of loyal worker bees just like me working to take the political pollen in our respective communities back to this online hive where it can be transformed into the sweet honey of viable public policy.

This blog is different from any other Huckabee blog I have seen because it is not a place to wax on why you like Mike. There are plenty of reasons to like the man, and plenty of blog spots devoted to that activity.

Instead, this is a place to debate the various policy issues that will factor in the GOP Primary and come up with ideas on how to sell Mike's position as succinctly and memorably as possible. This is not to say we are dumbing down Mike's message; to the contrary. A lot of thought must go into making sure the given catchword or catchphrase faithfully encapsulates what it is we think Mike would say.

Mike has already used countless rhetorical and literary devices in his writings and speeches to the everlasting shame of the other candidates who simply cannot compete with him. They are bringing a knife to a gunfight every time they step on the stage with Mike. He seems to be almost toying with them at times, and I am hoping that we can do just our part to make the disparity all the more obvious to folks who may never take the time to compare these candidates point by point and only have their debate or speech performances to go by.

So let's get buzzing ...

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